Our MISSION is to grow disciples for Christian service.

Our VISION is to be a community of Christ taking God's word and work into the world.


Inclusiveness: We welcome and affirm all persons as precious children of God.

Discipleship: We encourage and nurture the use of our God given gifts so that we may become involved, committed, and empowered to minister.

Worship: We joyfully praise God with biblically centered worship that is spiritually fulfilling and musically alive.

Spiritual Growth: We nurture individual spiritual development through a variety of Christian experiences.

Outreach: We are called to continue Christ’s servant ministry by caring and doing for others in the community and the world.

Testament: We will, through our works and words, spread the message of God’s love to those we encounter.

Stewardship: We ask all to commit their time, talent and treasure in service to God.

Fellowship: We value Christian fellowship within our congregation and with other faith communities.

Courage: We stand up for what we prayerfully believe to be God’s direction.